Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Bake or Not To Bake

No baking today but I did bake like a maniac last week.  You see it was my son's 32nd birthday and he's a chef.  Now, as some of you know, a chef is not necessarily a baker and vice versa.  So, I have been the one to bake all these years because I had aspirations to become a pastry chef at one time.  Needless to say, when my son has declared to us that he wanted to be a chef, the cost made it impossible for both of us to go to culinary school at the same time.  Your children always win out when it come to education so I put my hopes aside and he went to culinary school.  Anyway, I bake now as much as I can for him.

So....I baked a cheesecake for my son, oatmeal peanut butter cookies for my husband and coconut, almond bars for everyone (they were killer good and I will share the recipe next week).  My kitchen smelled like a bakery and I loved it.  Lots of sugar and fattening stuff is not so bad as long as it is in moderation, right!?

Here it is Tuesday and no baking yet.  I think I may go thru withdrawals.

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